
“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10).

Every week at St. Andrew Catholic Church, members of our ministries and organizations help one another to carry out the shared mission of the parish by praying together, ministering to our parishioners and by reaching out to the larger community.

Both our Catholic Tradition and Sacred Scripture teach us that each Baptized person has a special responsibility and role to play in sharing their gifts with the community of faith. In fact, a vital part of becoming an active parishioner at St. Andrew’s is finding ways to share the gifts God has given you.

These are the many ministries through which the people of St. Andrew’s are graciously accepting and joyfully living out the mission to which God is calling each of them. Please consider these ministries as you discern how God is calling you to use your gifts.