Thank you for your interest in St. Andrew Catholic Church and welcome to our community of faith. Parish registration is important because we are especially interested in learning about our new parishioners and helping them to find ways to become involved in and connected to the parish.
Please note that any person who wishes to prepare for marriage, complete RCIA, have their child baptized, or enroll a child in the parish Religious Education program must be a registered member of our parish, attending Sunday Mass here faithfully as recorded by the use of the Offertory Envelope for at least 6 months before we will begin the preparation process.
You are invited to register at the parish office during office hours (8:30am - 4pm Monday - Thursday and Friday 8:30am until noon) or by downloading and completing the registration form below. We are happy to provide you with additional information about our parish and ministries.
Interested in becoming Catholic? Click HERE
Click this link for a printable version of the Parish Registration Form (Inscripción Parroquia San Andrés). Please complete both pages of the form and drop it in the collection basket or mail it to:
St. Andrew Catholic Church
Attn: Parish Office / Registration
3501 N. Kings Hwy., Ste. 102
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
Or, if you prefer, complete the online Parish Registration Form then click the submit button.